"Fit for Life - Explore Science" on October 28th 2009 |
University of Freiburg
"Encounter YOUR immune system" - insights into the human immune system
A research unit at the University of Freiburg encountered the human immune system by developing
an action game with the students.
Bacteria, fungi and viruses attack the human body practically round the clock
The body's immune system is able to neutralise most attacking agents. The game is called "Virus attack - an action game
to illustrate the functioning of the immune system".
Different types of cells in the immune system are represented by players wearing differently coloured T-shirts symbolising
various cell types and in a playful dramatisation interact with each other.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. med Hans-Hartmut Peter, Dr. Magnus M. Gees, Frau Kathrin Woltering
contact: magnus.gees@uniklinik-freiburg.de